<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c444ac0d-9bc6-4476-9c70-01f947b6bbca/cvbox.org.notion-avatar-1666731256178.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c444ac0d-9bc6-4476-9c70-01f947b6bbca/cvbox.org.notion-avatar-1666731256178.png" width="40px" /> Bryce J. Allen (b. 1999)

Photo Credit: Schneider Photography, Beaver Falls, PA


Who Am I?

<aside> 🖥️ I am a software engineer based in eastern Pennsylvania with an immense love of reading and a passion for the competitive fields of chess, fencing, and esports.


My Strengths

<aside> 📝 I seek and store information. This desire empowers me to make credible and well-informed decisions.


<aside> 🌐 I am future-oriented. I concentrate my attention on turning aspirations into reality.


<aside> 🏆 I am focused on quality and prefer working with and for the best. I can see what people naturally do best at and empower them to pursue their strengths.


<aside> 🧠 I love to think, muse, and reflect. I am good at clarifying and explaining information.


<aside> 🔍 I have a powerful ability to prioritize, set goals, and work efficiently. I am able to stay on track towards an overall objective.


My Background

<aside> 🎓 I graduated from the University of Akron with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in May 2021.


<aside> 🎮 As a student member of the University of Akron Zips Esports program, I successfully organized a trip that sent seven university students to compete at the Evolution 2019 Championship Series in Las Vegas Nevada. I also represented our varsity program as the Student Manager of the Zips Esports Fortnite team.


Hobbies and Interest

<aside> 🌎 I enjoy traveling and exploring new cultures, having visited nearly half of the continental United States, Hawaii, Japan, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, and France. I am also fluent in English and proficient in Spanish.


<aside> 😎 During my leisure time, I can be found doing various different activities: reading, knitting, performing music, cycling, gaming, producing videos, or exercising.


<aside> 📕 I enjoy reading non-fiction books on a variety of topics including technology, business, marketing, psychology, and finance.


If you'd like to get in touch with me, be sure to send me an email or a message on LinkedIn.

Copyright 2022 Bryce Allen.